Gente Dime - Hamed

Spanish students in Barcelona


Dime is more than a Spanish Academy. It is a community of people who chose Barcelona as their home and Dime as their School. Our students are different and creative and they all have amazing stories to tell. In this section of Dime Barcelona Blog we are going to discover who they are and how they ended up being part of our Dime community.

Hamed @hetreby is from Egypt and he arrived to Barcelona some months ago. He is a Senior Economic Advisor and he works for the "Union for the Mediterranean", an intergovernmental institution which promote dialogue and cooperation between the 43 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region. He loves languages and he speaks Arabic (Egyptian dialect), French, English and Italian.

What he likes the most in Barcelona is the people. He is studying Spanish to better integrate in the city. He is now attending an extensive evening course and he will soon start to study Catalan as. He thinks that the teachers of the school really encourage you to study and to improve your knowledge of the language.

Contact Calle Berna 5-7 bajos, 08006 Barcelona

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