Autumn arrives, and with it, a lot of changes typical of this beautiful season. The days are shorter, the leaves fall from the trees, it starts to cool down, and the smell of roasted chestnuts fills the streets of the city.
All these new things have their own specific vocabulary, so here are the 50 words you'll use the most in this season.
Español - Inglés
Amanecer | Sunrise
Amarillo | Yellow
Árbol | Tree
Atardecer | Sunset
Boniato | Sweet Potato
Botas | Boots
Brisa | Breeze
Bruja | Witch
Bufanda | Scarf
Calcetines | Socks
Calabaza | Pumpkin
Calor | Warmth
Caminar | Walk
Castaña | Chestnuts
Castañera | Chestnut seller
Chaqueta | Jacket
Chimenea | Fireplace
Chocolate caliente | Hot cocoa
Colores | Colors
Escarcha | Frost
Excursión | Hike
Frío | Cold
Frutos secos | Nuts
Gorro | Wool hat/Beanie
Guantes | Gloves
Hoguera | Bonfire
Hojas | Leaves
Lana | Wool
Lluvia | Rain
Madera | Wood
Maíz | Corn
Marrón | Brown
Melancolía | Melancholy
Mitones | Mittens
Naranja | Orange
Niebla | Fog
Nuez | Walnut
Otoño | Autumn/Fall
Paisaje | Landscape
Paraguas | Umbrella
Ramas | Branches
Raíces | Roots
Refrescar | To cool down
Rojo | Red
Setas | Mushrooms
Suéter | Sweater
Té | Tea
Temporada | Season
Vela | Candle
Viento | Wind
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