September arrives, and with it comes the return to school, that is, back to school. Children and young people return to the classrooms to start a new school year.
To start it in the best way, what better way than to familiarize ourselves with the basic vocabulary to face the first days? Here are the necessary words to make the return to school as easy as possible.
Español / Inglés
Escuela | School
Estudiante | Student
Profesor | Teacher
Clase | Classroom
Mochila | Backpack
Lápiz | Pencil
Bolígrafo | Pen
Rotulador | Marker
Cuaderno | Notebook
Libro | Book
Deberes, tarea | Homework
Pizarra | Blackboard/Whiteboard
Examen | Exam
Horario | Schedule
Lección | Lesson
Aula | Classroom
Uniforme | Uniform
Carpeta | Folder
Regla | Ruler
Borrador | Eraser
Tijeras | Scissors
Lápices de colores | Crayons
Calculadora | Calculator
Biblioteca | Library
Almuerzo | Lunch
Ordenador | Computer
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