Vocabulary: The Olympic Games

Basic vocabulary to help you not miss a single detail

Vocabulario Los Juegos Olímpicos

We are currently experiencing the greatest sports competition in the world: the Olympic Games. This time, they are being held in Paris, the capital of France. This competition takes place every four years, and athletes from all over the world compete in what is, without a doubt, the most important sporting event of all. 

Do you enjoy watching sports? Do you follow the competitions on television, or have you traveled to Paris to witness any of the events in person? In any case, here is the basic vocabulary so you don’t miss any detail in this final stretch of the Olympics.

| Inglés 

Vocabulario General: | General Vocabulary:

Abanderado olímpico | Olympic flag bearer
Árbitro | Referee
Cancha | Court
Diploma olímpico | Olympic diploma
Estadio | Stadium
Himno | Anthem
Inauguración | Inauguration
Juegos olímpicos | Olympic Games
Juez | Judge
Llama olímpica | Olympic flame
Medalla | Medal
Medalla de bronce | Bronze medal
Medalla de oro | Gold medal
Medalla de plata | Silver medal
Olimpiadas | Olympics
Pebetero | Cauldron
Pista | Track
Podio | Podium

Deportes: | Sports:

Atletismo | Athletics
Badminton | Badminton
Baloncesto | Basketball
Balonmano | Handball
Boxeo | Boxing
Ciclismo | Cycling
Esgrima | Fencing
Fútbol | Football (Soccer)
Gimnasia (Artística, Rítmica, Trampolín) | Gymnastics (Artistic, Rhythmic, Trampoline)
Golf | Golf
Halterofilia | Weightlifting
Hípica | Equestrian
Hockey sobre césped | Field hockey
Judo | Judo
Karate | Karate
Lucha | Wrestling
Natación | Swimming
Natación artística | Artistic swimming
Pentatlón moderno | Modern pentathlon
Piragüismo | Canoeing
Remo | Rowing
Rugby | Rugby
Skateboarding | Skateboarding
Surf | Surfing
Taekwondo | Taekwondo
Tenis | Tennis
Tenis de mesa | Table tennis
Tiro con arco | Archery
Tiro deportivo | Shooting
Triatlón | Triathlon
Vela | Sailing
Voleibol | Volleyball
Waterpolo | Water polo

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