
Our Blog
Learn Spanish and Catalan with Dime!

With our Blog you will learn more about Spanish and you will get to know the city of Barcelona better. We will show you a little more about who we are and who our students are. To make it easier to navigate through the posts, we have organized all the information into these categories:

  • Barcelona: what to do and see in the city
  • Dime: everything about the school, day-to-day life, courses, offers, etc.
  • Spanish and Catalan culture: discover Spanish culture through its literature, cinema, traditions, festivals, gastronomy, etc.
  • Spanish language: useful explanations and examples to better understand the Spanish language.
  • Dime People: get to know Dime community, our students, their stories and project.
Clases de español extensivas

We are starting our extensive Spanish courses!

Next Monday, September 16th, we are starting many extensive in-person Spanish courses at our school, Dime. We are opening groups for various levels, from A1 to B1.2. We will also be opening new groups starting in October. If you're thinking about starting to learn Spanish, don't hesitate: September and October are the best months to begin a Spanish course!

Vocabulario Back to School

Spanish vocabulary: Back to School

September arrives, and with it comes the return to school, that is, back to school. Children and young people return to the classrooms to start a new school year. To start it in the best way, what better way than to familiarize ourselves with the basic vocabulary to face the first days? Here are the necessary words to make the return to school as easy as possible.

Melani en secretaría

Week of level tests!

At Dime, we want to get to know all our students. It is very important for us to have a brief conversation with each student to understand their goals, objectives, and experience with the language. The interviews are completely free and can be done in person or online.

BFIS New families Orientation Day

Welcoming new expat families to Barcelona

Dime Escuela has participated in the welcome event at the Benjamin Franklin International School, one of the leading international schools for expats in Barcelona. It is always an enriching experience to be part of this event and to contribute our small part to help new families integrate into the community through the Spanish and Catalan language and culture.

Alumnos del curso extensivo de español en Barcelona

Do you want to start a Spanish course in Barcelona in September?

Have you just arrived in Barcelona and are looking for a Spanish course to learn or improve your language skills? Our extensive Spanish course is the perfect choice for you! You can sign up for two weeks in September, and starting from October, you can sign up for one month (4 weeks), three months, or six months. Start studying Spanish with us!

Vocabulario: El verano

Vocabulary: Summer

Summer arrives, and there’s no place like Spain to enjoy a wonderful vacation. To make your experience even more complete, here are the 100 most common Spanish words for these summer months. Enjoy!

Las Fiestas de Gracia

The Fiestas de Gracia

The Fiestas de Gracia in Barcelona (August 15th to 21st) originated in the 19th century as a religious celebration in honor of the Virgin of the Assumption. Over time, they evolved into a secular, community-focused event, known for the impressive street decorations made from recycled materials, which have become the main attraction and are part of a competition that rewards creativity.

Vocabulario Los Juegos Olímpicos

Vocabulary: The Olympic Games

In the past few days, we have been experiencing the greatest sports competition in the world: the Olympic Games. Here is the vocabulary that will help you not miss a single detail.

De excursión con los alumnos en un horchatería

Let's go have a horchata!

The students of the A2 intensive group celebrated the final class of the July intensive course in a very special way: they held the session outside the school and went for a horchata.

Visita a la Barcelona Romana

Visit to Roman Barcelona

In July, the students of our intensive Spanish course took a very interesting excursion where they discovered the Roman past of the city. It was an unforgettable journey into the history of the city and its inhabitants.

Excursión al Parque de la Ciudadela

Field trip to Ciudadela Park

A few days ago, two groups from different levels of our intensive Spanish course were able to enjoy a wonderful excursion to the Parc de la Ciutadella. The students discovered many interesting facts about the park and its surroundings and had the opportunity to meet other students from the school.

Curso intensivo de catalán en julio

Our Intensive course: Introduccion to Catalan language

During the month of July, we launched the Introduction to Catalan course, focused on everyday life: introducing oneself, asking simple questions, shopping, going to restaurants, finding one's way around the city... With cultural classes on gastronomy, music, and sayings, we completed a rewarding experience that was as useful as it was enjoyable.

Contact Calle Berna 5-7 bajos, 08006 Barcelona

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